How to enable Telemetry Data In Project Cars 1 & 2
Project Cars 1 and Project Cars 2 by default does not share data with third-party applications. Before you can you enjoy your Motion Platform with Project Cars 1 or Project Cars 2 you will need to perform the below steps.
How to enable Telemetry data in Project cars 1:
1) Open Project cars 1 and head over to the Options & help section located on the second page of the Main Menu.
2) Then choose the setting called Visuals
3) You will then be put on a page where you can change your visual settings. At the top of the page there will be 3 tabs, 1 called Visual FX, Performance and Hardware. Please select the tab called Hardware.
4) You then want to change the setting called Use Shared Memory to be set as Yes
5) Once this has been completed you are all ready to use your Motion Platform with Project Cars 1.
How to enable Telemetry data in Project Cars 2:
1) Open Project Cars 2 and open options on the main menu then select system.
2) Where it says Shared memory, you must change the setting to either Project Cars 1 or Project Cars 2 (The application supports both protocol versions).
3) Once you have completed this you have successfully enabled your Motion Platform to work with Project cars 2